Terms & conditions
Summary of our general terms and conditions
The general terms and conditions give you an overview of our services on Tri-tennis.com. Our offers are aimed exclusively at consumers making purchases for private purposes. We offer you a personalised shopping and service experience for Tri-tennis® items.
1. Conclusion of contract
By placing an order on the Tri-tennis® website, you declare that you are acting exclusively for private purposes. Your contractual partner is Tri-tennis®. The contract shall take effect when you click on the purchase button and receive the order confirmation. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel orders generated by automated programs or third-party services.
2. Prices, shipping costs and delivery conditions
Prices indicated at the time of the order are final prices and include the applicable VAT. Shipping costs will be incurred for all orders. You will be informed of the amount before placing the order and will receive further information on this in the detailed general terms and conditions.
3. Various payment methods
Various payment options are offered, for example advance payment, credit card, iDeal or PayPal. The actual payment methods available at the specific time of ordering may vary and you will be informed of the specific payment methods offered before placing the order.
4. Using vouchers
Promotional vouchers that are issued as part of advertising campaigns or gift vouchers that are purchased can also be redeemed during the order process. The respective voucher conditions shall apply.
5. Right of cancellation
As a consumer, you have a statutory right of cancellation. This means that you can cancel this online contract within 30 days of receiving the goods without giving reasons by 1.) informing us (e.g. by email or post) that you no longer want uphold the contract and 2.) returning your order to us. All other information on cancellation can be found in the general terms and conditions.
6. Refunds
Any refunds will be made automatically using the original payment method, unless you expressly agree to another method.
7. Customer service
Please refer to our help pages or e-mail info@Tri-tennis.com if you have any questions.
8. Potential complaints
We have a reporting and complaints procedure to review potentially unlawful content. You have various legal remedies available if you do not agree with our decision.
9. Miscellaneous
The statutory warranty rights to which you are entitled apply. Further information on this can be found in the general terms and conditions. You also have the option of downloading and archiving the general terms and conditions on our website.
Reporting and complaints procedure; out-of-court dispute resolution
On our website, we provide you with the opportunity to report products or other content that you believe fail to comply with prevailing laws or our terms of use (info@Tri-tennis.com). We will check these reports and inform you of the outcome. Should we decide not to take any action, you shall have the opportunity to submit this decision for review (complaint). Furthermore, you have the option of pursuing an out-of-court dispute resolution, as well as ordinary legal recourse.
In the event of any instance of misuse, we shall temporarily (or permanently) suspend the processing of reports and complaints. The term “misuse” shall apply if you frequently submit reports or complaints that are clearly unfounded. We shall consider all facts and circumstances available to us when assessing instances of abuse, and when deciding as to whether and, if so, for how long, to suspend the processing of reports and complaints. This shall comprise the absolute number of clearly unfounded reports or complaints, the relative proportion of unfounded reports and complaints in total, the severity of the instance of misuse and – if ascertainable – the intentions being pursued by the reporting party.
Before suspending the processing of reports and complaints, we shall issue a warning. We shall also inform you about the duration of any possible suspension.
Part I.
If the provisions of Part I conflict with those of Part II (General Terms and Conditions for Trade-ins), the provisions of Part I shall apply, unless a provision from Part II is more favourable to the consumer.
The above additional Terms and Conditions are copyrighted intellectual property. Any and all use by third parties – even in the form of excerpts – for commercial purposes in offers of goods and/or services is prohibited. Any conduct in breach of this provision shall be prosecuted. These General Terms and Conditions take effect on 1 September 2024.
• Article 1. Definitions
• Article 2. Details of the trader
• Article 3. Scope
• Article 4. The offer
• Article 5. The agreement
• Article 6. Right of withdrawal
• Article 7. Obligations on the consumer during the withdrawal period
• Article 8. Exercise of the right of withdrawal by the consumer and associated costs
• Article 9. Obligations on the trader in cases of withdrawal
• Article 10. Exclusion of the right of withdrawal
• Article 11. Price
• Article 12. Compliance and additional warranty
• Article 13. Delivery and performance
• Article 14. Continuing performance contracts: term, cancellation and renewal
• Article 15. Payment
• Article 16. Complaints procedure
• Article 17. Disputes
• Article 18. Trade association guarantee
• Article 19. Additional or deviating provisions
1. Definitions
In these terms and conditions, the following definitions apply:
1. Additional agreement: an agreement in which the consumer acquires products, digital content and/or services in connection with a distance contract, and these articles, digital content and/or services are supplied by the trader or by a third party under an agreement between said third party and the trader
2. Withdrawal period: the period in which the consumer can exercise the right of withdrawal
3. Consumer: any natural person who acts for purposes which are outside their trade, business, craft or profession
4. Day: calendar day
5. Digital content: data produced and supplied in digital form
6. Continuing performance contract: an agreement for the regular provision of goods, services and/or digital content for a specific period of time
7. Durable medium: any facility, including email, that allows the consumer or trader to store information personally addressed to them in a way that enables future consultation or use for a period determined based on the intended purpose of the information, as well as unaltered reproduction of the stored information
8. Right of withdrawal: the consumer’s option to cancel the distance contract within the withdrawal period
9. Trader: the natural person or legal entity that offers products, digital content (including access to digital content) and/or services to consumers remotely
10. Distance contract: an agreement concluded between the trader and the consumer as part of an organised system for the distance selling of products, digital content and/or services, where, until conclusion of the agreement, one or more means of distance communication are used either exclusively or alongside other methods
11. Model withdrawal form: the European model withdrawal form included in Annex I to these terms and conditions. It is not necessary to provide Annex I if the consumer does not have a right of withdrawal for their order
12. Means of distance communication: any means that may be used for the conclusion of an agreement, without the consumer and trader having to be in the same room at the same time.
Article 2. Details of the trader
Trader name: Tri-tennis®
Registered office and visitation address:
Erasmustraat 15
NL-5216 HM 's-Hertogenbosch
Postal address:
Erasmusstraat 15
NL-5216 HM 's-Hertogenbosch
Address Tri-tennis® article* returns to:
Tri-tennis® RETURNS
Erasmusstraat 15
NL-5216 HM 's-Hertogenbosch
* Please only use this returns address for Tri-tennis® articles.
Contact: www.Tri-tennis.com/contact
Hours: 13:00 to 16:00, 5 days a week
Chamber of Commerce number: 16069268
VAT ID number: NL001140563B31
Article 3. Scope
1. These general terms and conditions apply to any and all offers of the trader and to any and all distance contracts arising between the trader and the consumer.
2. Before the distance contract is concluded, the text of these general terms and conditions shall be made available to the consumer. If this is not reasonably possible, then before conclusion of the distance contract, the consumer shall be informed that the general terms and conditions are available from the trader for inspection and shall be sent as quickly as possible and free of charge on request from the consumer.
3. If the distance contract is concluded electronically, then contrary to the preceding paragraph, before conclusion of the distance contract the text of these general terms and conditions shall be provided to the consumer electronically in a way that allows the consumer to store them easily on a durable medium. If this is not reasonably possible, then before conclusion of the distance contract, the consumer shall be informed of where to access the general terms and conditions electronically and that they shall be sent electronically or by another method, and free of charge, on request from the consumer.
4. If any special product or service conditions apply in addition to these general terms and conditions, paragraphs 2 and 3 shall apply accordingly and in the event of conflicting provisions, the consumer shall always be entitled to invoke the applicable provision that is more favourable to the consumer.
Article 4. The offer
1. If an offer has a limited period of validity or is subject to specific conditions, the offer shall expressly state this.
2. The offer shall include a complete and accurate description of the products, digital content and/or services offered. The description shall be of adequate detail to enable the consumer to assess the offer properly. If the trader uses images, these shall be faithful depictions of the products, digital content and/or services offered. Any obvious errors or mistakes in the offer shall not be binding on the trader.
3. Every offer shall contain adequate information so the rights and obligations associated with acceptance of the offer are clear to the consumer.
Article 5. The agreement
1. Barring the provisions of paragraph 4, the agreement is concluded when the consumer accepts the offer and meets the associated conditions.
2. If the consumer accepts the offer electronically, the trader shall immediately send electronic confirmation of receipt of this offer acceptance. Until the trader confirms receipt of this acceptance, the consumer shall be entitled to cancel the agreement.
3. If the agreement is concluded electronically, the trader shall take appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the electronic transfer of data and ensure a secure online environment. If the consumer can pay electronically, the trader shall take the appropriate security measures.
4. The trader shall be entitled, within the framework of the law, to gather information on the capacity of the consumer to meet their payment obligations, as well as on the facts and circumstances of interest to responsible conclusion of the distance contract. If this investigation uncovers grounds for the trader not to enter into the agreement, the trader shall be entitled to refuse an order or request or make it subject to special conditions, with indication of the reasons why.
5. At the time delivery of the product, service or digital content, the trader shall provide the consumer with the following (on request by the consumer), in writing or in an accessible way that enables the consumer to store it on a durable medium:
a) the visitation address of the office of the trader where the consumer can submit complaints;
b) the conditions on and method for exercise of the right of withdrawal by the consumer, or a clear notice that the right of withdrawal does not apply;
c) information on warranties and the available after-sales service;
d) the price, including all taxes, of the product, service or digital content; where applicable, the delivery costs; and the method of payment or delivery or the method of performance of the distance contract;
e) the requirements on cancellation of the agreement if it has a term of over one year or has an indefinite term;
6. In the case of a continuing performance contract, the provision in the preceding paragraph only applies to the initial delivery.
Article 6. Right of withdrawal
For products:
1. The consumer may cancel an agreement for the purchase of a product during a 30-day withdrawal period, without indicating the reasons why. The trader may ask the consumer their reason(s) for withdrawal, but cannot require them to provide these reason(s).
2. The withdrawal period as per paragraph 1 shall start on the day after the consumer, or a third party designated by the consumer, other than the carrier, receives the product, or:
a) if the consumer orders multiple products in the same order: the day on which the consumer, or their designated third party, receives the last product. The trader may refuse a multi-product order with different delivery times, provided the
trader clearly informs the consumer of this before the ordering process.
b) if the delivery of a product consists of multiple shipments or parts: the day on which the consumer, or their designated third-party, receives the last shipment or the last part;
c) for agreements for regular delivery of products over a specified period of time: the day on which the consumer, or their designated third party, receives the first product. For provision of services and digital content not supplied on a tangible medium:
3. The consumer may cancel a service agreement and an agreement for digital content that is not supplied on a tangible medium for at least 30 days without indication of the reasons why. The trader may ask the consumer their reason(s) for withdrawal, but cannot require them to provide these reason(s).
4. The withdrawal period referred to in paragraph 3 shall start on the day after conclusion of the agreement. Extended withdrawal period for products, services and digital content not supplied on a tangible medium in cases of failure to provide notice of the right of withdrawal:
5. If the trader fails to provide the consumer with the statutory information on the right of withdrawal or the model withdrawal form, the withdrawal period shall end 5 days after the end of the original withdrawal period as per the preceding paragraphs of this article.
Article 7. Obligations on the consumer during the withdrawal period
1. The consumer shall treat the product and packaging with care during the withdrawal period. They shall only unpackage or use the product to the extent necessary to establish its nature, characteristics and functioning. The basic principle here is that the consumer is only permitted to use and inspect the product as would be permitted in a shop.
2. The consumer is only liable for depreciation of the product due to handling the product beyond what is permitted in paragraph 1.
3. The consumer is not liable for depreciation of the product if the trader failed to provide the consumer with all statutory information on the right of withdrawal before or during conclusion of the agreement.
Article 8. Exercise of the right of withdrawal by the consumer and associated costs
1. If the consumer uses their right of withdrawal, they shall report this to the trader within the withdrawal period sending an e-mail to info@Tri-tennis.com
2. The consumer shall send the product back or hand it over to the trader (or an authorised representative of the trader) as quickly as possible, and in any case within the timeframe set out in Article 6, from the day after the notification referred to in paragraph 1. This is not necessary if the trader offers to pick up the product. In any case, the consumer shall be deemed to have observed the return period if they send the product back before the end of the withdrawal period.
3. The consumer shall send the product back with all the accessories it came with, where reasonably possible in its original condition and packaging, and in accordance with the clear and reasonable instructions from the trader.
4. The consumer bears the risk and the burden of proof for proper and timely exercise of the right of withdrawal.
5. The consumer shall cover the direct costs & risks of return shipment of the product.
6. If the consumer withdraws after first expressly requesting the start of the performance of the service or the supply of gas, water or electricity that has not been made ready for sale in a limited volume or specified quantity, during the withdrawal period, the consumer shall owe the trader an amount prorated to the portion of the obligation that the trader had performed by the time of withdrawal, in comparison to full performance of the obligation.
7. The consumer shall not cover the costs of performance of services or the supply of water, gas or electricity that has not been made ready for sale in a limited volume or quantity, or for the supply of district heating, if:
a) the trader failed to provide the consumer with the statutory information on the right of withdrawal, reimbursement of withdrawal costs or the model withdrawal form; or
b) the consumer did not expressly request the start of performance of the service or supply of the gas, water, electricity or district heating during the withdrawal period.
8. The consumer shall not bear any costs for complete or partial supply of digital content not supplied on a tangible medium, if:
a) before it is supplied, the consumer did not expressly consent to the start of performance of the agreement before the end of the withdrawal period;
b) the consumer did not acknowledge loss of their right of withdrawal when granting their permission; or
c) the trader failed to confirm receipt of this statement from the consumer.
9. If the consumer uses their right of withdrawal, all additional agreements shall be automatically cancelled.
Article 9. Obligations on the trader in cases of withdrawal
1. If the trader enables electronic notice of withdrawal from the consumer, the trader shall send within 14 working days a confirmation of receipt of this notice.
2. The trader shall refund all payments from the consumer, excluding any delivery costs that the trader charged for the returned product, immediately, and in any case within 30 days after the day on which the consumer submitted notice of withdrawal. Unless the trader offers to pick up the product, the trader may withhold the refund until receipt of the product or until the consumer demonstrates return shipment of the product, whichever occurs first.
3. For the refund, the trader shall use the same payment method that the consumer used, unless the consumer agrees to another method.
4. If the consumer opts for a method of delivery that is more expensive than the cheapest standard delivery method, the trader shall not be required to repay the additional costs for the more expensive method.
Article 10. Exclusion of the right of withdrawal
The trader may exclude the following products and services from the right of withdrawal, but only if the trader indicates this clearly in the offer, and in any case in a timely manner before conclusion of the agreement:
1. Product or services whose price is subject to fluctuations on the financial markets over which the trader has no control and which may occur within the withdrawal period
2. Agreements concluded during a public auction. The term ‘public auction’ means a method of sale where the trader offers products, digital content and/or services to the consumer, who is personally present or has the opportunity to be personally present at the auction, under the direction of an auctioneer, and where the successful bidder is obligated to purchase the products, digital content and/or services
3. Service agreements, after full performance of the service, but only if: a) performance began with the consumer’s express prior consent; and b) the consumer has acknowledged that they have lost the right of withdrawal once the trader has performed the agreement in full
4. Package tours as referred to in Article 7:500 of the Dutch Civil Code (the ‘BW’) and passenger transport agreements
5. Service agreements for the provision of accommodations, if the agreement gives a specific date or period of performance, other than for residential purposes, transport of goods, car rental services or catering
6. Agreements related to personalization of Tri-tennis® products, e.g. logo printing on the Tri-tennis® canvas.
7. Goods made to the consumer’s specifications, which are non-prefabricated and made on the basis of an individual choice of or decision by the consumer, or that are clearly personalised
8. Products that spoil quickly or have limited shelf life
9. Sealed products that are unsuitable for return due to health or hygiene concerns or that were unsealed after delivery
10. Products which are, after delivery, according to their nature, inseparably mixed with other items
11. Alcoholic beverages, the price of which has been agreed upon at the time of the conclusion of the agreement, the delivery of which can only take place after 30 days and the actual value of which is dependent on fluctuations in the market which cannot be controlled by the trader
12. Sealed audio or sealed video recordings or sealed computer software which were unsealed after delivery
13. Newspapers, journals or magazines, with the exception of subscriptions to these
14. Supply of digital content which is not supplied on a tangible medium, but only if:
a) performance began with the consumer’s express prior consent; and
b) the consumer has acknowledged that they have therefore lost the right of withdrawal.
Article 11. Price
1. During the period of validity indicated in the offer, the prices of the products and/or services offered shall not increase, barring changes in prices due to changes in VAT rates.
2. Contrary to the preceding paragraph, the trader may offer variable prices for products or services whose price is dependent on fluctuations in the financial market which cannot be controlled by the trader.
3. The prices given in the product or service offer are inclusive of VAT, except when a consumer buys with a valid VAT number or outside the EU.
Article 12. Compliance and additional warranty
1. The trader guarantees that the products and/or services are in accordance with the agreement, the specifications in the offer, the reasonable requirements of suitability and/or usability and the provisions of the law and/or government regulations applicable on the date of conclusion of the agreement. Where such is agreed, the trader also guarantees that the product is suitable for use beyond its normal use.
2. Here, ‘additional warranty’ means any obligation on the trader, their supplier, manufacturer, importer or producer that grants specific rights or claims to the consumer that go beyond the statutory obligations on the trader in the event of failure to perform their part of the agreement in full.
Article 13. Delivery and performance
1. The trader shall take the utmost care in the acceptance and performance of orders for products and in assessing requests for services.
2. The delivery address shall be the address that the consumer indicates to the trader.
3. In accordance with the relevant provisions of Article 4 of these general terms and conditions, the trader shall process accepted orders with due speed, and in any case within 30 days, unless a different delivery timeframe is agreed. If the delivery incurs a delay, or if an order cannot be processed in full, the consumer shall be notified of this within 30 days after order placement. In such cases, the consumer is entitled to cancel the agreement at no charge and receive no compensation for damages.
4. After cancellation as per the preceding paragraph, the trader shall within 14 working days refund the amount paid by the consumer.
5. The trader bears the risk of product damage and/or loss until the time of delivery to the consumer or to a designated representative made known to the trader in advance, unless expressly agreed otherwise
Article 14. Continuing performance contracts: term, cancellation and renewal
1. The consumer may cancel an agreement concluded for an indefinite term for the regular provision of products (including electricity) or services at any time, in accordance with the agreed cancellation rules and with a period of notice of no more than one month.
2. The consumer may cancel an agreement concluded for a limited term for the regular provision of products (including electricity) or services at any time as of the end of the specified term, in accordance with the agreed cancellation rules and with a period of notice of no more than one month.
3. The consumer may cancel the agreements referred to in the preceding paragraphs: a) at any time, without limitation to particular points in time or periods of time; b) at least by the same means as those used to conclude the agreement; c) at any time with the same period of notice as the trader stipulated for themself.
4. An agreement concluded for a limited term for regular provision of products (including electricity) or services shall not be automatically extended or renewed for a limited term.
5. Contrary to the preceding paragraph, an agreement concluded for a limited term for regular delivery of daily or weekly newspapers and/or magazines may be automatically renewed for a limited term of up to three months if the consumer can cancel this renewed agreement as of the end of the new term with a period of notice of no more than one month.
6. An agreement concluded for a limited term for regular provision of products or services shall only be automatically renewed for an indefinite term if the consumer can cancel it at any time with a period of notice of no more than one month. The period of notice shall be no more than three months for an agreement for regular, but less frequent than once a month, delivery of daily or weekly newspapers or magazines.
7. An agreement with a limited term for the regular introductory delivery of daily or weekly newspapers or magazines (trial or introductory subscriptions) shall not be automatically extended and shall automatically end after the end of the trial or introductory period.
8. If an agreement has a term of over one year, the consumer may cancel the agreement after a year at any time with a period of notice of no more than one month, unless cancellation before the end of the agreed term is contrary to the principles of reasonableness and fairness.
Article 15. Payment
1. Unless stipulated otherwise in the agreement or additional terms and conditions, the consumer shall pay the amounts owing within 14 days after the start of the withdrawal period, or in the absence of a withdrawal period, within 14 days after conclusion of the agreement. In the case of an agreement to provide a service, this timeframe starts on the day after the consumer receives confirmation of the agreement.
2. In cases of product sales to consumers, general terms and conditions shall never require the consumer to pay more than 75% in advance. If payment in advance is stipulated, the consumer cannot assert any claims regarding performance of the order or service(s) in question until completion of the stipulated advance payment.
3. The consumer is obligated to report any inaccuracies in the indicated payment details to the trader immediately.
4. If the consumer fails to meet their payment obligations on time, including after the trader issues a payment reminder and offers the consumer an additional period of 14 days to meet the payment obligations, the consumer shall owe interest at the statutory rate on the outstanding amount and the trader shall be entitled to charge the consumer for the extralegal collection fees incurred. These collection fees shall not exceed: 50% of the outstanding amounts up to €2,500; 40% on the next €2,500 and 30% on the next €5,000, with a minimum of €40. The trader may deviate from the indicated amounts and rates to the benefit of the consumer.
Article 16. Complaints procedure
1. The trader shall have a well-publicised complaints procedure and shall process complaints in accordance with this procedure.
2. Complaints on the performance of the agreement must be submitted to the trader with clear and complete descriptions in a timely manner after the consumer notices the shortcomings.
3. The trader shall respond to submitted complaints within 60 days after the date of receipt. If a complaint is expected to take longer to process than this, the trader shall respond within the 60-day period with a confirmation of receipt and indication of when the consumer can expect a more detailed response.
4. The consumer shall give the trader at least 6 weeks to resolve the complaint in mutual consultation. After this timeframe, it constitutes a dispute that is eligible for the disputes procedure.
Article 17. Disputes
1. Agreements between the trader and the consumer that are subject to these general terms and conditions are governed exclusively by Dutch law.
Article 18. Additional or deviating provisions
Any provisions in addition to or deviating from these general terms and conditions shall not be to the detriment of the consumer and must be set down in writing or in an accessible way that enables the consumer to store them on a durable medium.
Annex I: Model withdrawal form
(Only fill in and return this form if you want to withdraw from the agreement.)- To: Tri-tennis®, Erasmusstraat 15, 5216 HM 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, email: info@Tri-tennis.com
We* hereby give notice that I/we* withdraw from our agreement for the sale of the following products: [designation of the product]*
the supply of the following digital content: [designation of the digital content]*
the provision of the following service: [designation of the service]*.
Ordered on*/received on* [date services ordered/products received][Consumer name(s)]
[Consumer address(es)]
[Consumer signature(s)] (only if the paper form is submitted)[Date]
* Delete or fill in as applicable.
1.1 By submitting your order you declare that you are acting for exclusively private purposes.
1.2 Agreements through Tri-tennis.com or Tri-tennis.eu shall be concluded exclusively in English or Dutch. For orders of Tri-tennis® articles, your contractual partner is Tri-tennis®, Erasmusstraat 15, 5216 HM 's-Hertogenbosch (the Netherlands).
1.3 By clicking the ‘in winkelwagen’ (‘Buy now’) button, you place a binding order for the articles in your shopping cart. We will send you an email confirmation of receipt of your order immediately after you submit it. Receipt of the order confirmation establishes a binding purchase agreement. Please bear in mind that in cases of payment in advance (reservation), the product ordered will only be delivered after the full amount, including shipping costs, is credited to our account. For this reason, please transfer the purchase price immediately after receipt of the order confirmation, and in any case within 7 days after receipt of the order confirmation.
1.4 You hereby consent to the transfer of the vendor’s claims for payment of the purchase price to third parties, in particular to Tri-tennis® the Netherlands.
1.5 We will process the accepted orders with due speed, and in any case within 30 days, unless a different delivery timeframe is agreed upon. If the delivery incurs a delay, or if an order cannot be processed in full, you shall be notified of this within 30 days after order placement. In such cases, you are entitled to cancel the agreement at no charge but not to receive any applicable compensation for damages. After cancellation as per the preceding paragraph, we shall within 30 days refund the amount you paid.
1.6 We bear the risk of product damage and/or loss until the time of delivery to you or to your designated representative made known to us in advance, unless expressly agreed otherwise. If timeframes are cited in working days, this means all days from Monday to Friday, except for statutory public holidays. Tri-tennis® articles can only be ordered and delivered if they are in stock. The website indicates whether an article is still in stock, but sometimes due to high demand and ofline sales, this information could be incorrect.
1.7 We reserve the right to refuse or cancel an order if it was placed using software, a robot, crawler, spider or any automated system, scripted behaviour or external services to place an order on your behalf.
2.1 The prices in effect at the time of order placement shall apply. The indicated prices are final. This means they include any statutory VAT applicable at that time. Until payment of the purchase price in full, the products remain our property or the property of the relevant Tri-tennis® partner.
2.2 All orders are subject to a delivery fee. The delivery fee covers costs arising from the size of the order, such as shipping, handling and other services. The costs increase, and Tri-tennis® charges you for them.
2.3 For certain orders, we offer express shipping. Whether this option is available for your order, and the associated costs, will be stated during the ordering process. The products shall be delivered within 5 working days. If delivery takes longer, we will naturally refund your express shipping fee.
2.4 Depending on where your articles are coming from, a long-distance shipping fee may apply. Before you place your order, we will inform you of whether a long-distance shipping fee applies to your selected article. We charge the long-distance shipping fee. If you decide to return an article for which we charged this fee, we will not refund these costs to you. We may withhold refunds until we receive the goods back from you.
3.1 We normally offer the following methods of payment: payment in advance, credit card, iDeal, and Paypal. For all orders, we reserve the right not to offer certain methods of payment and to defer to other methods of payment. Please bear in mind that we only accept payments from accounts within the European Union (EU). You must cover any costs of a monetary transaction.
3.2 For purchases by credit card, your credit card will be directly charged.
3.3 You hereby agree to receive invoices and credit notes in electronic form only.
4.1 Coupons are like gift certificates that you cannot purchase, but which are issued as part of promotional campaigns and have a limited period of validity.
4.2 Coupons must be redeemed within the indicated timeframe and may only be redeemed one time for an order. Coupon campaigns may exclude certain brands or items. Coupons cannot be used to purchase gift certificates. Please bear in mind that the coupons may be subject to a minimum order value.
4.3 The value of your order must be at least equal to the amount of the coupon. You may pay the remainder of the order value using one of the available payment methods. The value of the coupon shall not be paid out in cash and shall not accrue interest. The value of the coupon shall not be repaid if you return some or all of the goods.
4.4 Coupons can only be redeemed at the end of the ordering process. You cannot redeem them after order placement. You cannot transfer a coupon to a third party. You cannot use multiple coupons in combination, unless we have agreed otherwise.
4.5 If you redeemed a coupon with your purchase, we reserve the right to charge you the original price of the goods you purchase if, due to product return, the total value of the order ends up being less than the value of the coupon or ends up not meeting the conditions.
5.1 Tri-tennis® Gift Cards are issued by Tri-tennis® the Netherlands. The Tri-tennis® Gift Cards are not e-money but non-regulated stored value. This means that the Tri-tennis® Gift Cards are not supervised by the competent supervisory authority, nor do the statutory protection for e-money apply. In particular, you do not have a right to request a redemption for cash.
5.2 Tri-tennis® Gift Cards can be redeemed at www.Tri-tennis.com and on the Tri-tennis® app for the purchase of eligible products, which are offered by Tri-tennis® or other sellers (Tri-tennis® Partners). Eligible goods and services are products that serve the appearance of a person (e.g. clothing, shoes). A Tri-tennis® Gift Card may not be used to purchase another Tri-tennis® Gift Card.
5.3 Tri-tennis® Gift Cards are valid for a limited period of 12 months from the purchase date. Redemption in cash or refunds in the event of loss or damage are not possible.
5.4 Tri-tennis® Gift Cards are limited to a maximum value of € 200,- per Tri-tennis® Gift Card and to a maximum value of € 200,- worth Tri-tennis® Gift Card per purchase. It is possible to use multiple Tri-tennis® Gift Cards per purchase up to a maximum amount of € 200,-. Any remaining amount on your Tri-tennis® Gift Cards can be used for future purchases., The maximum value of Gift Cards that can be used per calendar month is limited to € 5.000,-. The maximum value of Gift Cards that can be connected to your customer account per calendar month is limited to € 5.000,-.
5.5 The Tri-tennis® Gift Card is usually activated within 72 hours of purchase.
5.6 Tri-tennis® Gift Cards can only be used prior to your order and not retroactively.
5.7 Should you cancel your order or return goods for which you redeemed a Tri-tennis® Gift Card, the amount paid will be refunded to your Tri-tennis® Gift Card and made available for future purchases. Should you return goods which were partially paid for with a Tri-tennis® Gift Card, the purchase price for any kept eligible goods having been eligible to being purchased via Tri-tennis® Gift Card will be paid first by redemption of the Tri-tennis® Gift Card and any remaining refund amount, if applicable, will be refunded to the other applied payment method.
You can contact Customer Service through our Contact page. Customer Service is available by phone and the Contact Form
12.1 All of our agreements are governed by Dutch law.
12.2 Products offered on Tri-tennis® webshops are available to order only by persons who are at least 18 years old.
12.3 Each customer is permitted only one customer account with Tri-tennis®. We reserve the right to delete multiple registrations from the same person.
12.4 You can also save your order details by downloading the general terms and conditions and using your browser function to save the information on the last page of the ordering process, or by waiting for the confirmation of receipt for your order, which we will also email to you after completion of your order. This confirmation also contains your order details and our general terms and conditions. You can easily print these out or save them with your email program.
Postal address: Tri-tennis®, Erasmusstraat 15, 5216 HM 's-Hertogenbosch (The Netherlands)
Visitation address: Tri-tennis®, Erasmusstraat 15, 5216 HM 's-Hertogenbosch (The Netherlands)
Registered in the trade register of the District Court of 's-Hertogenbosch (NL) 16069268 (Spaendonck Sport)
Version: 01.09.2024